If are looking for an essay on owl in English. Then you are at the perfect spot because we have tried our best to cover all aspect which is necessary for you to understand.


Essay on Owl

Owls are among the most common and well-known birds of prey. They are known for their large, round eyes, which give them a large field of vision. They have excellent hearing and can turn their head in a complete circle. They are covered with feathers and can fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Owls are found in all parts of the world, except for Antarctica. There are about 200 different species of owls.

Where Do Owls Live?

Owls can be found in coniferous forests, mountains, deserts, and plains, among other places. The snowy owl is a northern bird that lives in the cold tundra. Owls use a variety of methods to build their nests. Old hawk or squirrel nests are home to several species of owls, including great gray and great horned owls.

Food Of Owls

Owls eat a variety of animals, ranging from tiny insects like moths or beetles to large birds like ospreys. Ketupa (fish-owl) and Scotopelia (fishing-owl) species, which are found in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, respectively, eat mostly fish.

Flying Of Owls

Owls have big wings in comparison to their overall weight, which enables them to fly slowly. Their feathers also assist them in flying without producing a lot of noise. The comb-like structure on the front edge of their wings breaks up the tumultuous air created by flapping their wings.

Size Of Owl

The eyes of an owl are big to increase efficiency, especially in low light situations. In fact, the eyes are so highly developed that they are more like stretched tubes than eyeballs. Sclerotic rings, which are bony structures in the skull, keep them in place.

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Ten Lines on Owls in English

Here are 10 best lines on owl in English for kids and students:

1. Except for Antarctica, owls can be found all around the globe.

2. Owls have a distinctive heart-shaped face with large eyes, they have a deep round head, and their wings are short and broad.

3. Owls are equipped with feathers that make them virtually silent in flight.

4. Owls are one of the few birds who can turn their heads as much as 270 degrees.

5. Owls have powerful talons that they use for catching prey.

6. It is a night-time bird, meaning it is active at night.

7. Owls do not chew their food; instead, they swallow it whole.

8. Due to their greater body proportions, female owls may easily be differentiated from males.

9. The presence of owls in ancient artworks and sculptures demonstrates their cultural significance.

10. In many parts of the world, owls are considered a symbol of bad luck.


Owls are the most intriguing and fascinating birds on the planet.  The most important problem in today's situation is that most of the Owl species (220 in total) are either endangered or on the verge of extinction due to a variety of factors. Pollution and hunting are the two main factors for owl habitat destruction.

To safeguard owl habitats, governments around the world should adopt strict rules, such as those in the United States, which prohibit people from keeping owls as pets. Hunting and poaching should be considered unlawful, with the severe punishments imposed on those who do not follow the law.

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